Ricardo de Córdoba Herralde
Speech Technology Groyp
English Spanish
RCH's photo


  Main Page







Welcome to my personal web page in the Speech Technology Group. Here, you can find information related with the activities that I do at this moment in my group, information about my research and publications. Besides, you can find my curriculum vitae. And some really interesting links.

Research Information

My main topics of work are:

Dialogue systems & multimodality: especially in the design of semi-automatic tools to speed up the design of multimodal applications

Language and speaker identification

Speech recognition: in all areas, specially the related to acoustic modeling, parametrization, robust speech recognition, large-vocabulary recognition, confidence measures, and adaptation of acoustic and language models

Speech synthesis: development of new text-to-speech systems for different speakers. Prosody studies with automatic tools (neural networks) to improve the naturalness of these systems.


My contact details follows:

Ricardo de Córdoba Herralde
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicaciones
Despacho B-108
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Ciudad Universitaria s/n
Madrid, España

e-mail: cordoba arroba die.upm.es
Phone: (+34) (91) 453 35 43
Fax: (+34) (91) 336 73 23
Last modified: 11:44 17/February/2010
Speech Technology Group
Electronic Engineering Department
High Technical School of Telecommunication Engineers
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid